Schools and other educational institutions can optimise their students’ learning experience by obtaining new technologies such as tablets, multimedia projectors, and science lab apparatuses. With rising prices, it may be challenging for educational organisations to buy these items timely.

If you are a school, college, or university looking forward to purchasing any asset for your institute, Asset Finance can help you finance your assets quickly. Our process ensures you get reasonable rates and top-quality assets in a short period.

Items Educational Institutes Often Finance

As an educational institute, you can finance various items through us. Besides, you can get help renovating and maintaining school grounds. We normally lease the followings:

    Types Of Agreement

    We work with academic organisations to ensure compliance with IFRS accounting standards. The Local Authority Schools are barred from adopting new standards for two years. As your compliance partner, Asset Finance will offer an Operating Lease service to keep you in the right operational direction.

    Understanding Operating Lease

    An operational lease allows schools, colleges, and universities to obtain assets on a rental arrangement and use it for a predetermined period of time in exchange for regular monthly payments to the lessor. The lease duration is set considering the operational life of equipment, machine, or any other asset.
    In this kind of lease agreement, the lessor receives a percentage of the capital value of the asset from the lessee during the agreed time. In such agreements, an asset must be sellable at the conclusion of the period and have residual value.
    The business that will lease an asset to you is the investor and will have the risks and reward ownership under an operational lease. It is important to mention that the lessee will not be the asset owner at the end of the operating lease agreement.

    Understanding Financing Lease

    A finance lease refers to a contract between a lessor and a lessee where the lessee obtains machinery, equipment, or automobile for business usage and agrees to pay the lessor in exchange for instalments. Such contracts mostly last for less than the projected operating life of an asset.
    In a financing lease, the client (lessee) gets all the risks and benefits of ownership of the equipment from the leasing business (lessor). Please note that the lessee will not own the equipment at the end of the arrangement. Finance leases are possible for leases that don’t match the operational lease conditions.